Maisie's Submission (An Appetizer)
4 weeks ago
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Maisie is an unusually loyal young lady.Maisie is an unusually loyal young lady.Maisie is an unusually loyal young lady.Maisie is an unusually loyal young lady.
She'll do anything for those close to her.She'll do anything for those close to her.She'll do anything for those close to her.She'll do anything for those close to her.
Those she cares for.Those she cares for.Those she cares for.Those she cares for.
So when someone close to her.So when someone close to her.So when someone close to her.So when someone close to her.
Someone she cares for.Someone she cares for.Someone she cares for.Someone she cares for.
Gets into troubleGets into troubleGets into troubleGets into trouble
Gets into debtGets into debtGets into debtGets into debt
to the wrong people,to the wrong people,to the wrong people,to the wrong people,
Maisie steps in to help...Maisie steps in to help...Maisie steps in to help...Maisie steps in to help...
Whatever the cost.Whatever the cost.Whatever the cost.Whatever the cost.