7 NATION HORDE - A XXX Parody of The White Stripes' Song

4 weeks ago
Had another go at a League HMV, but nothing I wanted to do with it really worked so was quite unsatisfying to finish. Was going to be a Yordle focus but got stumped, then it was going to be more like 'here is a focus on each regions characters' and that feels like it got a bit muddled. So the whole video feels both bloated and not long enough for what I want XD. Hopefully you all get a bit more out of it than I did.Hopefully you all get a bit more out of it than I did.Hopefully you all get a bit more out of it than I did.Hopefully you all get a bit more out of it than I did. Song is Dantec x MISERO - Seven Nation ArmySong is Dantec x MISERO - Seven Nation ArmySong is Dantec x MISERO - Seven Nation ArmySong is Dantec x MISERO - Seven Nation Army Thumbnail art from @DoubleDaggers_ on twitterThumbnail art from @DoubleDaggers_ on twitterThumbnail art from @DoubleDaggers_ on twitterThumbnail art from @DoubleDaggers_ on twitter Mega with 4K, No Filters and SFX:Mega with 4K, No Filters and SFX:Mega with 4K, No Filters and SFX:Mega with 4K, No Filters and SFX: https://mega.nz/folder/aZJTkSwB#BxixwynTx1MgOTctHMdqSAhttps://mega.nz/folder/aZJTkSwB#BxixwynTx1MgOTctHMdqSAhttps://mega.nz/folder/aZJTkSwB#BxixwynTx1MgOTctHMdqSAhttps://mega.nz/folder/aZJTkSwB#BxixwynTx1MgOTctHMdqSA