[Review] Daemon's Delights: Fandeltales Daemon's Delights: A Tale of Fandel LustThis episode covers the 'Fandeltales' series by the creator 'Derpixon', and was finished on April 15th, 2024. It does not account for content released after that point in tim
4 weeks ago
This episode covers the 'Fandeltales' series by the creator 'Derpixon', and was finished on April 15th, 2024. It does not account for content released after that point in time. The episode is a tribute to RPG dungeon-crawling swords and sorcery fantasy fair, with affection for the brand of fantastic funtimes it represents. The review praises Derpixon for this double-feature of lewd adventurous goodness and looks forward to reviewing their next work.