Miranda vs. the Universe [Lord Aardvark] in 4K!
4 weeks ago
Miranda Versus the Galaxy
Kasumi Goto has a problem. She can't resist snooping through other people's things in search of juicy secrets. When she stumbles upon a rough cut of an adult video featuring ex-Cerberus operator Miranda Lawson, produced by the infamous Fornax Studios, her eyes are opened to a whole new level of dirt. Kasumi learns that blackmail is only as good as the quality of the material, so she takes some time to review the footage before making any rash decisions.Kasumi Goto has a problem. She can't resist snooping through other people's things in search of juicy secrets. When she stumbles upon a rough cut of an adult video featuring ex-Cerberus operator Miranda Lawson, produced by the infamous Fornax Studios, her eyes are opened to a whole new level of dirt. Kasumi learns that blackmail is only as good as the quality of the material, so she takes some time to review the footage before making any rash decisions.
Voice actors: Oolaytiger, Ivan E, Recshun, SilkyMilky, CheckovVoice actors: Oolaytiger, Ivan E, Recshun, SilkyMilky, Checkov